During the ordinary meeting members of Zugdidi IDP Initiative Group spoke about networking, responsibility of network members, importance of teamwork.

They once again expressed their position that they are ready to actively engage in the process of identifying the challenges of IDPs and solving their problems.

The participants expressed their views about creation of a local network of Zugdidi municipality. According to them extensive networking will contribute to IDP problem solution.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

During the ordinary meeting of Khoni Women Initiative Group was devoted to the discussion of the principles of creating and operating the network: what strategic directions should the network have in order to actively work in terms of implementing 1325 UN Resolution at the local level. Group members are motivated to be actively involved in both local and regional networks. The meeting identified the most sensitive issues for the local community.

At the end of the meeting, the participants watched a clip in which the women talk about the training cycle. As a result of the trainings, the competence of each of them increased in different directions. They will work actively in their communities to change the lives of IDP women and girls for the better.


The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Another round table was held with the participation of local referral entities in the conference hall of the City Council.

The meeting was attended by members of the Gender Equality Council of Kobuleti City Council, representatives of the Mayor's Office, social services and the police department. Guests from the Lanchkhut City Hall were invited to the meeting - the head of the social security and health service and the social worker of the children's department shared the specifics of their work and practice with their colleagues from Kobuleti.

During the meeting, they talked about the prevention of domestic violence and the protection of the victim, about cooperation with local structures.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

97 teenagers participated in trainings held in Vani, Tsalenjikha, Tkibuli, Senaki and Kobuleti. Some meetings were held in a traditional, live form. The other part took place in the Internet space. Despite the form, all meetings were equally interesting, active and informative.

Early marriage and ways to resolve conflicts - the students discussed these issues with the trainers. They gave relevant examples, argued about the negative outcomes of early marriages, or the importance of early conflict resolution.

Meetings of such kind give teenagers the opportunity to think freely. They learn to express their opinions, listen actively, ask and answer questions...

The culture of group work, discussion and conversation - all these skills that young people have acquired or reinforced - are the merit of the training course.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

In May-June 2022, the youth initiative group of our school together with the Women Fund  "Sukhumi" implemented the project "Clean environment and healthy lifestyle is my choice".

Many good things were done in the school within the framework of the project. The most important thing is that the students became much more motivated and self-confident.

Within the framework of the project, meetings with population were organized, the river bank and the center of the village were cleaned, it should be noted that the village attorney also participated in the cleaning action. The students also organized a wonderful meeting with kindergarten teachers on the importance of healthy food, planted evergreen trees and think about the sustainability of the project in the future so that the process continues and there is a beautiful green corner in the school yard.

At the end of the project, a sports event was held with the participation of all schoolchildren. It can be said that the project had a very positive effect on students' personal formation, motivation, and development of various skills. The school management and the teachers are ready to support the students in the activities to be carried out in terms of project sustainability in the future and jointly  change the environment for the better.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

A working meeting was held in Senaki IDP Women Initiative Group. The following questions were discussed: why networking is important, what benefits it can bring in terms of problem advocacy.

Participants expressed their positions: what is the responsibility of the network participants, is the team work important.

According to them, the problem raised by the network is more results-oriented, as in this case there are much more resources for solving problems.

At the end of the meeting, the participants expressed their readiness to create a local network in Senaki municipality, which will become the basis for wider networking activities in the future.


The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

During the meetings in Senaki, Tkibuli and Terjola, Women Support Centers, the participants spoke about the difficulties of identifying cases of domestic violence. They emphasized the fact that there are conflict families, where this problem is closed and rarely spoken about - the risk of violence in such families is higher.

The mobilizers informed the participants about the importance of preventing violence at an early stage and working on the risks that contribute to the development of violence.

Concrete cases were identified at information meetings. A psychologist and a lawyer will be involved in the process and will hold individual meetings. Working in this format decreases the risk of conflicts in individual families.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

On July 14, representatives of the USAID and the US Embassy Mr. Giorgi Khechinashvili - Senior Advisor of Youth Programs and Mr. Anton Cooper, Political Officer of the US Embassy visited the head office of the Fund "Sukhumi" in Kutaisi.

The guests heard information about the activities of the organization and the work carried out by partner organizations, about the activities carried out within the framework of the project so far. The participants also talked about the existing challenges and successes... about positive changes achieved by the initiative groups created by the Fund "Sukhumi" in the municipalities with the support of the USAID.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The Fund “Sukhumi” has been cooperating with the public school of the village Koki for a long time. For the given moment, with the support of the USAID and the Fund "Sukhumi", young people implemented a small project "Remember Abkhazia", ​​within the framework of the mentioned project, they have implemented many interesting activities.

It was said much about the benefits this project has brought to the beneficiaries and now we would like to share the emotions of the participants directly...

" It was a new experience for several young people involved in this project.

In general, I have never been active, but after taking this step, everything has changed for the better, I often participate in various types of events and I am very happy to be involved in the implementation of this project.

Social Networks