Messages to parents

These are fragments from children's letters.

They address to parents. Express love and talk about problems.

Part of one of the meetings held for the Women Fund "Sukhumi" Youth Empowerment Centers was dedicated to the relationship between children and parents. The idea came to send messages from children to mothers and fathers...

You will read the rest yourself:

  • I have seen my mother, in tears, because of my or my brother's words. When I look at her, my heart hurts too, I think about my behavior ... Her tears are a great pain for me. I apologize and tell her that I love her very much ...
  • I'm sure when I have a child he/she will treat me the way I treated my parents, so I try not to hurt them.
  • My mother is an immigrant and I caress her from distance. Only five months have passed since she left, but it seems to me that we have been apart for many years…
  • A good parent is a good treasure. The Lord says we should honor them and we must respect these words!
  • Parents should never compare their children to others.
  • In order to avoid conflict, the parent should not abuse his child in the presence of peers.
  • When you were talking about parents during the training, I thought, I was lucky, I am happy to have such parents - I would say to those parents who are alienated from their children: be interested in your children's passions, views, listen to them. Find out what makes them sad, what makes them If they feel your interest, no one will be as reliable for them as you are and you will become great friends ... Love is built on trust, so trust your children and make friends with them.
  • I want there to be no bridge break between generations, parents should accept us as we are. Correction permissible, but a complete change is difficult. They should support my professional choice. Love must outweigh the ambitious approach: "My son must be a doctor." Why? Is it bad to be a good football player?
  • There are moments, when the first and second children do not feel much love from their parents, and younger ones do.
  • The relationship between parents and children continues with gratitude and reconciliation if it is healthy relationship.
  • Parents need to understand the background of our actions and often talk to us.
  • Make friends with your children, find time and talk about life topics in order to overcome obstacles in their
  • The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

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